Friday, 10 February 2012

Embryonic Stem Cell Research, is it right?                   

Having watched this documentary on channel 4 this week, I began to think about the real ethical implications of stem cell treatments and the research and use of embryonic stem cells.
The argument that surrounds the use of those very first cells produced after conception, which could become a heart, a lung an eye or even a brain is this: Is it ethical to terminate a 'life' in order to save a life? And obviously the answer is not a simple one. In essence how you determine your view here is based largely on where you think 'life' begins.
Is it at conception as some people think? Is it when the embryo starts to take on human features? Or is it when the heart starts to beat?
The way we think could seriously influence the medical progression of organ repair and could aid real treatments for cancer and heart disease to name but a few.

Some relevent articles:


1 comment:

  1. This is an incredibly interesting topic with much heated debate. I can't wait to see more on how this unfolds.

    Good job!
